Monday, June 23, 2008

EPS Interview: Conversations with C.S. Lewis

The Evangelical Philosophical Society recently interviewed me about my new book Conversations with C.S. Lewis. Here's a brief excerpt. To read the entire interview visit the EPS blog.

Q: Who are the sorts of readers that you think would appreciate this book?

A: I would like to delight three kinds of readers. First, the Christian who may not know a lot about C.S. Lewis beyond maybe having read Mere Christianity or the Chronicles of Narnia, and not having a background in apologetics.

Second, Conversations with C.S. Lewis (CCL) is appealing to open-minded skeptics--those who are really looking for truth in this world, but haven't found it or are doubtful about the claims of Christianity as a viable worldview. I think CCL offers a great opportunity for a Christian and open-minded skeptic to read and discuss the ideas presented together or even as part of a book discussion group.

Third, those already familiar with C.S. Lewis or even advanced in their knowledge of Lewis and his writings will enjoy CCL as an entertaining journey through the life and thought of Lewis. I've made a number of allusions to many books and ideas set forth by Lewis, so committed fans of Lewis will enjoy spotting these connections. Beyond that, it's just enjoyable to have Lewis "come to life" and interact with a contemporary skeptic through a fictional narrative. I did my best to have Lewis come across as true to his ideas, as well as making the skeptic a believable character and not a pushover.

Q: Please briefly state what you attempt to accomplish in your book and why you think it is important to your readers?

A: I'd hope readers would come away with a better understanding of how Lewis defended Christianity in light of competing beliefs, particularly skepticism and atheism. The book will not only provide readers with an introduction to Lewis's life and thought, but it is also a sort of primer on defending Christianity, as it addresses the problem of evil, the existence of God, morality, the claims of Christ, grief, immortality, heaven, hell, and more.

I'd also like readers to see in Lewis an example of defending Christianity with gentleness and respect, as we're told to do in 1 Peter 3:15. In an age of incivility on the part of some atheists, and sometimes on the part of Christians as well, CCL offers a friendly dialogue between a Christian and a skeptic, demonstrating that we can still disagree but remain civil or even be good friends.

The entire interview is available here. Many thanks to the Evangelical Philosophical Society for interviewing me about Conversations with C.S. Lewis.

Note that EPS has a new subscriber deal for the Philosophia Christi journal. For $30, new subscribers will get the current issue and a 2 year subscription.

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